Columnist Rob Enderle reports on Cambridge Analytica’s unique methodology and how it helped identify bias and reach out to voters that traditional methods had missed. Enderle claims that by following three rules of analytics, Trump’s team was able to win the White House.
‘As an analyst, a big part of the job is identifying and mitigating bias otherwise you are driving the people who pay you to make bad decisions and, given the outcome, that would seem to be the case here. Unlike Clinton, however, Trump’s folks rightly identified both issues and they used a little-known analytics company called Cambridge Analytica. Ten days before the election a small team rewrote the sampling methodology to eliminate both the bias and the get to the potential voters that more traditional methods were missing. This allowed them to better advise their client where to go and how to spend his limited funds...that significantly helped turn what was likely a certain loss into one of the biggest surprise victories in U.S. history.’