
CA Congratulates Senator Ted Cruz on Iowa Caucus Win


Behavioral microtargeting firm played integral role in identifying likely pro-Cruz caucus voters and driving GOTV.

Cambridge Analytica, the market leader in the provision of data analytics and behavior communications for political campaigns, is proud to congratulate Senator Ted Cruz for his victory in Monday’s Iowa caucus. Cambridge Analytica has worked closely with Cruz for President to build one of the most innovative presidential campaigns in U.S. history.

By combining advanced data analytics with psychological research based off the five factor model for gauging personality traits, OCEAN, Cambridge Analytica helped the campaign identify likely pro-Cruz caucus voters and reach out to them with messages tailored to resonate specifically with their personality types. This method provided the Cruz campaign with the edge it needed to spread the candidate’s message and drive a come-from-behind victory in the first primary of the 2016 election.

“We are thrilled to be part of Senator Cruz’s impressive victory in Iowa. The Cruz campaign has shown a unique understanding and appreciation for data analytics and our product offering in particular. One of the keys to our success together is the trust that we’ve developed with one another, with our relationship going back several years."

"Our data scientists and consultants have been embedded in the campaign headquarters in Houston, allowing us to deploy our technology in the most effective way possible.”

- Alexander Nix, CEO of Cambridge Analytica

Following the victory in Iowa, Cambridge Analytica looks forward to helping Senator Cruz continue his success throughout the rest of the primaries and general election.